About Developer services
We have a dedicated team supporting customers to provide a cost-effective service to any scale of development, from new domestic and commercial developments as well as agricultural water supplies or replacement water supplies.
The South West is one of the fastest growing regions in the country. We connect approximately 7,000 new properties each year to our water network, as well as new connections to existing properties.
Levels of Service
Following widespread consultation with developers, self-lay companies and their representative organisations, water companies have introduced a new set of standards for the provision of water and sewerage infrastructure for new homes and other construction projects.
These are a development of draft standards originally published as part of the government guide Better Connected: A practical guide to utilities for home builders.
The standards cover the performance of water companies in dealing with a broad range of activities which are essential for housing development. They include responding to initial enquiries, providing designs and quotations, construction and connection, and dealing with legal agreements
These standards, which are part of a broader programme of work we are undertaking in this area, demonstrate that water companies are committed to providing transparency to their developer customers about their performance and to driving improvements in service levels.
The first reports are now available showing data from the 1st April to 30 June 2015. South West Water performance is shown below and, whilst we are generally pleased with our performance, we will be focussing on improving those areas where our performance is not in line with Industry best practice to further improve the service to our developer customers.
(See table below)
To find out more about the standards and to show our performance against other Water Companies, please click here:-