Our Services
Water Services and Connections
New water mains for your home or new development.
Guidance notes and application forms that are needed when connecting to a public water main, requisitioning a public water main or diverting a public water main for your property or development.
The government has just published the Better Connected guide and this document sets out what developers and utilities companies should expect from each other when providing appropriate utilities to bring forward future development.
Please click here for further information.
Sewer Services and Connections
New sewers and connections for your home or new development.
Guidance notes and application forms that are needed when connecting to a public sewer, requisitioning a public sewer or diverting a public sewer for your property or development.
The government has just published the Better Connected guide and this document sets out what developers and utilities companies should expect from each other when providing appropriate utilities to bring forward future development.
Please click here for further information.
Developer Services Charges
Developer Services offer advice and guidance relating to new or modified premises, whether planning an extension to an existing house or a large new housing or commercial development.
On 3rd February 2015 we confirmed our charges and tariffs for 2015/16, which included our Developer Services Charges Scheme.
The Developer Services Charges Scheme sets out charges for services provided to those who are developing land and laying new water and sewerage infrastructure.
Our charges scheme is reviewed regularly to ensure that our reasonable costs are covered and technical requirements are being met. As a result of our most recent review we are proposing to make a small number of changes to our charges and we would like to share this information with you.
We have produced a number of 'Frequently Asked Questions' documents to provide information on the changes for the services we provide. Please click on the following links to further information.
Self lay of water mains and services
New or replacement water service connections
Building close to a public sewer
Adoption of new or existing sewers
Requisitioning a public lateral drain or sewer
The charges in the Scheme come into force on 1 April 2015.